A preview of touch-screen laptops at Computex – Techgoondu

News Sources wrote an interesting post today on
Here’s a quick excerpt


A preview of touch-screen laptops at ComputexTechgoonduPC makers provided a preview at the Computex show in Taiwan early this week, by putting out designs that act as both touch-based tablets and regular laptops. Even ultrabooks that “look” normal will feature touch-screens. And the good news is, …Is It a Laptop? A Tablet? Whatever, PC Makers Just Hope You'll Buy It PCWorld (blog)Hybrid "ultrabooks" blur line between tablets, laptops The RepublicAsus Taichi betting on Windows 8, competing with Macbook Pro 2012 and the iPad PopHerald.com ZDNet (blog)all 229 news articles »

Read the rest of this great post here