New Acer Ultrabooks and laptops revealed at CeBit – CNET

News Sources wrote an interesting post today on
Here’s a quick excerpt

New Acer Ultrabooks and laptops revealed at CeBitCNETBy Dan Ackerman on Mar 07, 2012 Two new laptops from Acer have turned up at the annual CeBit trade show held in Hanover, Germany. The Acer Aspire Timeline Ultra M3, in addition to having a really long name, is a 15-inch Ultrabook (meaning it meets …Acer launches V5 ultrathin, V3 entry-level laptops (hands-on) The VergeAcer Aspire Timeline Ultra M3 15-inch ultrabook announced along with three V3 … (blog)Acer V3 series reminds us there's more to life than Ultrabooks Liliputingall 25 news articles »

Read the rest of this great post here